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Taking care of business: How GTOs solve the costly apprentice conundrum

22 Feb 2023

GTOs the perfect win-win solution between employers and employees as they de-risk apprenticeships and traineeships for businesses, while providing protection, top quality training and wealth of experience for employees.

For thousands of employers in Queensland’s trade industries, an apprentice or trainee can make a business just as quickly as they can break it.

While the perfect recruit successfully learns the tools of the trade to enrich the business, the wrong choice can leave a tradie high and dry at best, or bankrupt at worst.

Then comes the navigation of turbulent training waters and endless red tape.

“It’s an Everest-sized endeavour that’s simply insurmountable for many,” said Apprenticeship Employment Network QLD & NT Executive Officer Craig Westwood.

“And with the nation-wide skill shortage wreaking havoc on our trade industry, getting the right apprentice, who’s had the right training, is more important than ever.”

“That’s where Group Training Organisations (GTOs) come in – they’re the bridge between employer and employee.”

With AEN being the peak body that represents the interests of GTOs across Queensland and the Northern Territory, Mr Westwood said their leadership has inspired more and more GTOs to join the ranks, which has led to more employers embracing the win-win system their vital network offers.

“GTOs have proven to be a game-changer for Aussie trade industries because they recruit, assess and employ apprentices and trainees on behalf of their host organisations,” he said.

“GTOs have proven to be a game-changer for Aussie trade industries because they recruit, assess and employ apprentices and trainees on behalf of their host organisations,”

“Most GTOs have successfully operated in this space for many years and because of this long-term expertise, have a unique understanding of what makes a good apprentice or trainee and how to match them to the specific requirements of any organisation or small business.”

“They also take full responsibility for providing the additional care and support necessary to achieve the successful completion of the training contract. And for countless businesses – this assistance alone is more than invaluable.”

And the proof is in the pudding.

“We now have more than 25 GTO members within our network, and their unique ability to nurture the right apprentice for the right employer is saving Queensland tradies more than just the bottom dollar, but their livelihood,” Mr Westwood said.

“A GTO assumes the employer responsibilities for the apprentice or trainee and this usually includes payroll, annual leave, superannuation, Workcover, sick leave, PPE, training costs and much more.”

So who are the GTOs and where are they located across the state?

“From AFL’s SportsReady Education and Employment, to Aviation Australia and to HIA and Skill360, our members are many and they span a variety of industries,” Mr Westwood said.

“They are the perfect win-win solution between employers and employees as they de-risk apprenticeships and traineeships for businesses, while providing protection, top quality training and wealth of experience for employees.”

“With GTOs literally saving Aussie businesses time, money and the anxiety that comes with taking on the financial risk of a trainee, I expect to see our member numbers soar over the coming years to help further ease the ongoing skill shortage.”


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Acacia Ridge QLD 4110

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© 2023 Apprentice Employment Network QLD & NT Group Training Association of Queensland and Northern Territory Ltd, Trading as Apprentice Employment Network A.C.N 167 762 745. All rights reserved.

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