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Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre

Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre have been helping Australian businesses of all sizes to improve the bottom line for almost 150 years – it’s the reason we exist. We are passionate about helping good businesses become great through the delivery of cost-effective, customised apprentice management solutions with a focus on the productivity of your workplace.


It starts with the quality of our apprentices, many of whom have gone on to win awards, recognition and other career development opportunities. We know employing an apprentice is a big investment on your part and take the selection seriously. Finding quality candidates is hard as the majority are entering the workforce for the first time. This means for many employers choosing an apprentice can be a bit like taking a stab in the dark.


Our rigorous selection process and way we manage apprentices once they are employed is designed to ensure you get a return – a placement that delivers productivity.


The Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre way:


  • We thoroughly assess motivations, aptitude and discipline.

  • We match an apprentice’s capabilities and career goals both to your business and to your industry sector.

  • We survey each candidate’s teachers in detail wherever possible to understand how motivated and disciplined they are and how well they work with their peers


If you think your industry sector will always struggle to attract the best apprentices, think again. We tackle negative stereotypes head-on to emphasize the bright future you and your industry can offer. We champion your industry so our apprentices can champion your business.




202 Boundary St, Spring Hill 4004
PO Box 128, Spring Hill 4004



07 3244 1775




Skillstech TAFE 

247 Bradman Street

Acacia Ridge QLD 4110


Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9am - 5pm 


Contact us via phone

or email:

1800 819 747



© 2023 Apprentice Employment Network QLD & NT Group Training Association of Queensland and Northern Territory Ltd, Trading as Apprentice Employment Network A.C.N 167 762 745. All rights reserved.

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