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AFL SportsReady (including ArtsReady) is a national not for profit company that has facilitated employment and education for young Australians since 1994.


We work in partnership with organisations across a number of industry sectors including sport and recreation, business and administration, finance, banking, horticulture, information technology, retail and arts and other creative industries. 

Our organisation provides support, advice and options to employers that will enhance their business. 

For trainees, we deliver support, training and education that results in good employment opportunities. 

The success of the AFL SportsReady traineeship model has seen us become a leader in our field and ultimately deliver thousands of real jobs to young people starting out in their careers. 


AFL SportsReady has helped more than 12,000 young people commence a traineeship including 1,300 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Today, AFL SportsReady is both a Group Training Organisation and a Registered Training Organisation, delivering credentialed training, from Certificate to Diploma level to people across Australia. 


We have developed a strong focus on Indigenous employment and are especially proud of our Indigenous Employment Program. 


In Queensland, we have built our brand into a trusted, honest and caring partner who values relationships. 

AFL SportsReady is proud to continuously provide Australia's young people with the skills and experience they need to start their long term career journey. Visit our website for more information:




Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre

Level 3, Kessels Road

PO Box 230




(07) 3217 3500





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